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With the world changing so rapidly, readers of these articles can expect to learn about key points as a result of new technologies, laws, and industry trends. These articles help you get ahead and stay ahead of the curve.
Being a Private Investigator, my go-to chat app for privacy and security for years has been Telegram. But in 2021, I started using Signal and have had an equally great experience. With Telegram's recent move to share data with authorities, Signal is now the best encrypted chat on the market.
Do you know if your employees are actually working from home? Do you have suspicions that they are not spending the entire working day at their computer? Discrete surveillance can give you these answers.
Human error accounts for 95% of cybersecurity breaches, according to research from Varonis. I’m going to provide you with 5 compelling - and little known - reasons why you need to act fast & act now with your online data to prevent future harm to you, your reputation, and your relationships (and if you have a business, harm to it and all your team).
Everyone suffers from theft. You’ve heard that countless times before. Now, more than ever, as COVID ravages the financial strength of millions of Canadians across the country, preventing corporate theft is becoming more critical.
You are team leader and it’s the first day of a long weekend. Your team is scheduled to cover all the shifts over the next three days. The sun is shining. The weather is warm. You’re about to have a wonderful holiday with your family - but then, your phone rings. “Sorry boss, I can’t come in to work today, I’m sick,” says one of your employees who has a history of calling in sick on weekends or holidays.
Our Articles
Being a Private Investigator, my go-to chat app for privacy and security for years has been Telegram. But in 2021, I started using Signal and have had an equally great experience. With Telegram's recent move to share data with authorities, Signal is now the best encrypted chat on the market.
Do you know if your employees are actually working from home? Do you have suspicions that they are not spending the entire working day at their computer? Discrete surveillance can give you these answers.
Human error accounts for 95% of cybersecurity breaches, according to research from Varonis. I’m going to provide you with 5 compelling - and little known - reasons why you need to act fast & act now with your online data to prevent future harm to you, your reputation, and your relationships (and if you have a business, harm to it and all your team).
Everyone suffers from theft. You’ve heard that countless times before. Now, more than ever, as COVID ravages the financial strength of millions of Canadians across the country, preventing corporate theft is becoming more critical.
You are team leader and it’s the first day of a long weekend. Your team is scheduled to cover all the shifts over the next three days. The sun is shining. The weather is warm. You’re about to have a wonderful holiday with your family - but then, your phone rings. “Sorry boss, I can’t come in to work today, I’m sick,” says one of your employees who has a history of calling in sick on weekends or holidays.